Some work within tourist hospitality














Structural project of Five Bata Hotel.

Bata’s City – Guinea Equatorial

Commissioned:Salvoldi Costruzioni . SIracusa – Italy

Work assignement of architectural design, fire prevention and struc­tural Sports Facilities called “PPC” in the locality Fontane Bianche, Syracuse, consistent sports facili­ty in the capacity of 4200 seats At the European Championship Be­ach Soccer in Syracuse in Summer 1998.

Commissioned: Di Grano Paolo – Venta Club – Italy

Work assignement of architectu­ral and structural design Structure sport called “PPC” in the resort Fontane Bianche, Syracuse, consi­sting of sports facility a capacity of 4800 seats sit at the Championship European Beach Soccer in Syracu­se in Summer 1999.

Commissioned: Di Grano Paolo – Venta Club – Italy

Work assignment of structural de­sign Structure of the polyvalent use mainly concert called “PALALIVE” in town Fontane Bianche, Syracuse, consistent in plant discovered by capacity of 8000 seats in summer seasons 2005-2006-2007.

Commissioned: Di Grano Raffaele Palalive srl – Italy

Work assignment of Design va­riant and construction supervision of construction works of a 4 Star with attached spa Syracuse “Hotel Livingston” – Via Nice n° 17 – Italy.

Commissioned: Nuova Hotel Ortigia srl

Work assignment of Structural De­sign and supervision for the con­struction two manufactured in r.c. for the extension of ‘”Park Hotel of the Fountains, “to be erected in Viale Scala Greca, 325 in Syracuse – Italy.

Commissioned: Di Grano Eduardo

As a Technical Manager and Tech­nical Director of the plant sector Enterprise A.R.COS. – Adm. Unique Mr. Forte Sebastian Via A. Von Pla­ten No. 46 / g, – realization of all sy­stems (electric, alarm, fire fighting, air conditioning and heating plant) in the maintenance and restoration of ‘Hotel DOMUS MARIE at Via Vittorio Veneto, corner of Via dei Tolomei, of property of the Con­gregation of Suore Orsoline of Syracuse, project and c.m. of Arch. Spinoccia Giuseppe.

Commissioned: Congregazione delle Suore Orsoline di Siracusa – Italy

Work assignment of Structural De­sign with seismic improvement of a historical building in masonry to be used for extension of the Ho­tel “Gargallo” In Via Gargallo, the island of Ortigia in Syracuse – Italy.

Commissioned: Assenza Giuseppe

Work assignment of Structural De­sign with seismic retrofitting of a brick building to be used in tourist accommodation called “Villa of the Papyri” new and manufactured for use as a restaurant Traversa Cozzo Pantano in Siracusa – Italy.

Commissioned: Assenza Giuseppe

Design, maintenance extraordinary and seismic improvement of “Hotel Fontane Bianche” site on the coast of Fontane Bianche in Syracuse – Italy.

Commissioned: Compagnia Gestione Alberghi s.r.l. – Milano – Italy